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Name : S-23

Chemical Formula : (2 S) – N – (4 – cyano -3 – trifluoromethylphenyl) -3 – (3 – fluoro -4 – chlorophenoxy) -2 – 2-hydroxy – methyl-propanamide
Molecular Name: C18 H13 ClF4 N2 O3

Administration: oral

1. Présentation de S-23 :

S-23 est un SARM assez récent. Il est d’ailleurs toujours à l’étude. Au départ, S-23 fut développé par GTX, Inc en vue de proposer un contraceptif hormonal masculin.

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S-23 represents a more elaborate and powerful form than Andarin. It therefore has the same properties, but these have been increased. S-23 allows to obtain a lean, defined mass. Ideal in dry periods.

2. Operation of S-23 :

A study conducted in 2009 on rats, by Dr. Jim Dalton, reveals the effectiveness of S-23 in terms of its action both contraceptive and promoting muscle development. Indeed, a cure of S-23 will make it possible to decrease the levels of LH and FSH, to increase the osseous mineral density as well as the lean mass, while decreasing greases. All these actions are made possible by the very high binding affinity for androgen receptors that S-23 possesses.

3. The benefits of S-23 :

  • Through its action, S-23 brings many benefits.
  • Development of lean muscle mass
  • Increase in muscle strength
  • Increase in endurance
  • High fat burning
  • Development of dry and hard muscles
  • Promotes muscle vascularization
  • Accentuates muscle details

4. Side effects of S-23 :

Unlike other SARMS, S-23 has a few side effects to consider.

A cure of S-23 will result in the suppression of the natural production of testosterone. Since S-23 is the strongest SARMS to date, its action is quite similar to that of anabolic steroids. It will therefore be important at the end of the treatment to perform a PCT in order to restart testosterone production in the body.

Some users have also experienced increased aggression. In this case, it seems important to adapt the dosage accordingly.

During the course of the cure, some users experienced shrinking of their testicles. However, this side effect is not alarming, since the testicles regain their size at the end of the treatment.

In addition, the urine may become darker during the course of the treatment without affecting the general state of health.

5. The different uses of S-23

To sculpt your body:


S-23 constitutes the ideal complement to develop dry, hard and tonic muscles. Each muscle will be revealed in its smallest details. Ideal for bodybuilders looking for a certain aesthetic in the development of their musculature.

  • To increase strength and endurance :

By promoting lean mass gain and fat reduction, S-23 makes training easier. In addition, it will develop a certain aggressiveness, allowing for more intense and longer workouts.

  • To lose weight :

S-23 will promote fat burning and develop lean muscle mass. It thus allows overweight people to refine themselves by redrawing the contours of their body.

6. Undertake a cycle of S-23 :

S-23 comes in capsule form, to be taken orally. No injectable form is available.

  • The recommended dosage :

The recommended dose is 20-30 mg per day, to be taken three times throughout the day.

  • Cycle duration :

The cure lasts 8 to 12 weeks, to obtain conclusive results.

  • MDT after a cycle of S-23: is it useful?

Being suppressive, it is strongly recommended to follow a complete PCT after a cure of S-23 in order to restart the natural production of testosterone in the body .

  • The best battery with S-23 :

S-23 can be taken during a course of anabolic steroids for the last 8 weeks (on a 12-week cycle) to reduce fat and develop drier muscle.

Obviously, the batteries will depend on your goals.

However, one battery stands out for its effectiveness: S-23+ RAD-140+ LGD4033 (Ligandrol)

Take 30 mg of S-23, 30 mg of RAD-140 and 10 mg of LGD4033 for incredible results. This ultimate battery will enhance results in gaining lean mass and effectively burning fat.

  • Results with S-23 :

Results are visible from the 4th week of treatment, for a cycle of 8 to 12 weeks.

7. Is S-23 suitable for women?

S-23 is not recommended for women. Other milder SARMS will allow women to develop their lean body mass. S-23 is an excellent supplement for people wishing to develop their lean muscle mass, looking for maximum definition.

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